Last Updated: 09/25/2024

Service Level Agreement

Service Level IDrive Inc. ("we", "us" or "our") agrees to provide the Customer ("you", "your" or "customer") IDrive® CRM services (the "Service") as described in this Service Level Agreement (the "SLA" or "Service Level Agreement"). For purposes of this Agreement "Data" shall be deemed to include any information you store using the Service.

Data Storage

You can add data or import data to IDrive® CRM through our web console (Console) or mobile apps. It is critical that the computer(s) or device(s) from which you choose to transfer data to the IDrive® CRM has a stable Internet connection to facilitate the necessary for successful data transfer/update. You are expected to review the log content of every update/import to make sure that the update/transfer has taken place successfully. The Console provides various means for communication of the transfer status including push notifications.

The Service

When used in accordance with the usage requirements and guidelines specified in the product documentation, the Service provides secure and reliable CRM solutions. The Service is able to streamline your CRM data subject to limitations outlined in the product documentation.

To use the Service, you should login to the designated Console on the computer or device where you wish to access the CRM platform.

From time-to-time this Service Level Agreement may change. A modification may include, but is not limited to, changes in system requirements, restrictions, limitations, or bandwidth requirements. You may be notified via electronic mail and/or through a website posting. You are responsible for ensuring that your system conforms to any updated restrictions, limitations or requirements.

In the event that your use of the Service is adversely affecting the operation of the Service, your Service may be terminated by us without liability to IDrive Inc., its suppliers or other end users. If your use of the Service is adversely affecting the effectiveness of the Service for other end users, or to preserve system integrity or prevent network abuse, a notice shall be provided to you via e-mail promptly following such emergency termination. You are responsible for updating us as to any changes to your email and contact information to facilitate communication of these notices by updating your profile information via the web interface.

We provide assurance that our Services will be accessible at least 99.9% of the time at its data center via the designated access methods, which may include the Service's web interface or mobile applications. If there is not more than a five percent user error rate, the service will not be considered to be experiencing 'downtime'. Downtime is measured based on server-side error rate. This does not provide assurance on the actual data transfer execution since it is dependent on various factors that include network connectivity of your computer and the route from your computer to our Servers on which we have little control. In the event the service is not available at the data center for times that exceed the limits mentioned above when computed on a yearly basis from a point in time, the liability would be limited to the user's prorated charges for the outage time.